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Smart Talk: What to know about a mass shooting; Charity tips; Capitol week

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What to look for on Smart Talk Friday, December 4, 2015:

Columbine, Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech, Roseburg, Oregon and now San Bernardino, California.  The latest mass shooting that left 14 people dead in Southern California this week joins an already lengthy list of shooting incidents that have left hundreds dead and injured.

Afterwards, we asked why the gunman did it and what could have been done to stop him?  There are impassioned calls for gun control and more access to treatment for the mentally ill. In this case, we ask whether it was an act of terrorism.

All the while, the mass shootings continue on a fairly regular basis.  The FBI reports the number of active shooter incidents have more than doubled while casualties have nearly tripled over the last seven years.

We may not want to admit or even think about the possibility but schools, businesses and places where groups of people gather must have plans in place to deal with a shooting incident.

Appearing on Friday’s Smart Talk is Kevin Doss, Founder and CEO of Level 4 Security and one of the world’s experts on protecting against a shooting incident.

The holiday season is when more people give to charities than during the rest of the year.  Unfortunately, there are unscrupulous people who will take advantage of other’s generosity.

Pennsylvania Secretary of State Pedro Cortes joins us on Friday’s program with tips for making sure your money is going to a worthy charity.

WITF Capitol Bureau Chief Mary Wilson also is with us for Capitol Week in Review.

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