WITF is here to support you through high-quality educational programming, professional development, free curated resources, and standards-based lesson plans.

Explore in the Classroom
WITF’s Explore in the Classroom program is designed for grades Kindergarten through 2nd grade and is funded through the Pennsylvania Education Income Tax Credit (EITC) program.

Professional Development
In partnership with the Pennsylvania Department of Education, WITF is an accredited Act 48 provider currently offering professional development sessions focused on English Language Development (ELD) for educators.

The WITF Education Team has created and/or curated educational resources, including many that align to PA STEELS Standards. Explore lesson plans, videos, extension activities and more to enhance both teaching and learning.

K-2 Lesson Plans
Lesson plans for grades K-2 are available. All lesson plans are aligned to the PA Core Standards, with a particular emphasis on connecting literacy with STEM (via the PA STEELS).

Spelling Bee
Each spring, the WITF Central PA Spelling Bee invites 4th to 8th grade students from 11 surrounding counties to demonstrate their spelling knowledge as they attempt to make their way to the Scripps National Spelling Bee.