A replica and backup DeLorean from the 1985 film "Back to the Future" on display as part of the Popnology exhibit at the Whitaker Center in Harrisburg.
Scott LaMar/WITF
A replica and backup DeLorean from the 1985 film "Back to the Future" on display as part of the Popnology exhibit at the Whitaker Center in Harrisburg.
Scott LaMar/WITF
Airdate: December 12, 2022
The Whitaker Center in downtown Harrisburg is one of the gems of Central Pennsylvania. It combines science, entertainment and art to attract visitors throughout the year.
Now through January 13th, the Whitaker Center is hosting the Popnology traveling exhibit that features what was once science fiction that has become science fact.
Ted Black the President and CEO of the Whitaker Center said The Spark Monday that the Popnology exhibit is unique and has something for everyone,”The Popnology exhibit is the largest exhibit that Whitaker Center has ever hosted. So part of the why is the how also? So the why is we think it’s a very, very relevant exhibit for families of all ages. And sometimes it’s a real challenge for a science center that has certain offerings to be attractive to teenagers and young adults. And so this is something that really bridges those different age, age divides so that you’ll see families. We’ve seen them in here from little toddlers up to teenagers. And they all have something to do. And there’s something engaging and there’s a lot to reminisce with the parents and people of a certain age.”
Black was asked why it’s a challenge to get teenagers engaged in the museum,”It’s a hard to reach demographic. So hard to say that these are kids that are used to a lot of stimulation, a lot of things that are available at their fingertips. So even some of the things that we’ve done in this room, we’re sitting in with a gaming, they can do all that in their home. I come from a sports background that’s a challenge to get people to buy season ticket, to go to games. If if it’s a pro team that you can sit in front of your 80 inch TV and have a beverage, cold beverage next to you. It is a challenge. But what we have done is we’ve tried to create these gathering spots where it is. It’s just fun to be. It’s fun to enjoy an activity that you enjoy with others. You can do book club and read a book for yourself, but people like to join book clubs because they like the social aspect to it. Same with I think the same global principle with a science center is you have to give something that they’re interested in and become relevant and be and be able to maintain a certain freshness about it.”