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Bullying in the Age of Smart Phones and Bras Across the Bridge


What to look for on Smart Talk Thursday, August 8, 2019:

Bullying, like many things, is increasingly more complicated in the digital era. It used to be that kids could find respite from bullying behavior at home or once school let out.

Now, because of social media and pervasive smart phone use, there is often no rest from the harassment.

Cyber bullying can range from posting mean or hurtful images to online threats. There are even extreme examples of encouraging suicide and violence.

What can be done to safeguard kids from bullying in the era of smart phones?

Earlier this year, the Pennsylvania General Assembly mandated the creation of an anonymous reporting system to give students a way to report signs of classmates who may be at risk of hurting themselves or others. This system is called Safe2Say Something and it has garnered more than 23,000 tips since it began in January. 

Appearing on Smart Talk to talk about research findings on this topic is Deputy National Editor Beth Dalbey.

Also, five years ago, the Feel Your Boobies Foundation came up with a unique idea to create maximum visual impact in their mission to promote breast health.

The Bras Across the Bridge event in Harrisburg is a fundraiser to promote both college and minority outreach. The fifth annual event is Saturday, August 10.

Joining Smart Talk is Leigh Hurst, Founder and Executive Director of the Feel Your Boobies Foundation to talk about the event and the organizations efforts to reach young women. 


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