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Book explores successful cities and towns

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Deborah and James Fallows with WITF’s Scott LaMar at Midtown Scholar Bookstore/photo by Joe Ulrich

What to look for on Smart Talk, Friday, May 10, 2019:

American cities and towns have undergone significant changes over the past half-century. Many lost population, businesses shut down, jobs were lost, schools suffered and in many cases crime increased. Some didn’t suffer as much as others and some began to re-think and re-invent themselves sooner than others.

But change took thinking and planning that was innovative and different. Many began using their physical assets like waterfronts to attract residents and visitors. Entertainment venues such as restaurants, bars and theaters increased. The arts often were the driving force behind a resurrection. Speciality schools for the arts or science and technology brought more people. As a result, there are cities and towns that have been resurrected.

James and Deborah Fallows travelled to many of these places and chronicled what they found in the best-selling book Our Towns: A 100,000 Mile Journey Into America’s Heartland

The detail the characteristics successful cities and towns have and how specific places like Allentown, Greenville, South Carolina and the Golden Triangle of Mississippi have made comebacks.

The Fallows discussed the book and their findings in February at Midtown Scholar Bookstore in Harrisburg and we hear an encore presentation of the conversation on Friday’s Smart Talk.


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