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Barletta boards bus in effort to raise name recognition, money


US Senate candidate Lou Barletta is trying to boost his poll numbers before the November midterm elections. (Photo by AP)


(Harrisburg) — Republican US Senate candidate Lou Barletta is on a bus tour across the commonwealth with his golden retriever, Reilly.

The Luzerne County-based congressman is hoping it turns the tide of his disappointing fundraising numbers.

As of their most recent campaign filings from late June, Barletta has about $1.5 million on-hand, while opponent Bob Casey has nearly $10 million.

State GOP Chair Val DiGiorgio said the party and Barletta campaign are banking on the bus trip–dubbed the “Red, White & Lou” tour–as a big part of the party’s strategy to raise the candidate’s profile across the state.

The tour had its initial stops in Southeastern PA last week, just before a Wilkes-Barre rally headlined by President Donald Trump

“That’s the key, to keep doing that,” DiGiorgio said. “We visited a couple plants, a couple businesses, and it worked very well.”

He noted the rally itself, and a related fundraising event, were also a help.

“Just by what we’re seeing on social media and the texts I’m getting from folks, this is a tremendous boost for Lou,” he said.

Bus tour stops this week include Adams, Westmoreland, Butler, Lawrence, and Beaver counties.

Casey, meanwhile, has also been ramping up his campaign schedule.

The Democratic incumbent is holding meet-and-greets in the midstate with small business groups and Harrisburg Democrats.

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