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Smart Talk: “Egg freezing” — a new employment benefit sparks debate

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What to look for on Smart Talk Tuesday, October 21, 2014:

Facebook and Apple — considered two of the nation’s most innovative companies to work for — are offering a new benefit to their employees that is generating a lot discussion about women and the workplace.

The two tech giants will pay up to $20,000 for their female employees to freeze their eggs so they can decide when they want to conceive and have children.

The thinking is a woman doesn’t have to disrupt her career if she becomes pregnant, but can instead start a family on her own terms.

The move has been applauded by some as empowering women because it allows them to make choices about their futures.

However, critics accuse Facebook and Apple of offering the egg-freezing insurance to ensure their businesses aren’t impacted by female employees who take time off to have children. They say the benefit is only to benefit the employer.

Both companies have been criticized in the past for not hiring enough women.

Is this a significant moment for women in the workplace? Will other employers follow Facebook and Apple’s lead?

Appearing on Tuesday’s Smart Talk to answer those questions are Dickinson College Women and Gender Studies professors Dr. Katie Oliviero and Dr. Jennifer Musial.

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Also joining us to discuss the health aspects of freezing eggs is Dr. Stephanie Estes. Her specialities include obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive endocrinology.

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