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Smart Talk: Public “aware” of domestic violence but what to do is next step

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What to look for on Smart Talk Monday, October 6, 2014:

The graphic video image of former NFL player Ray Rice hitting his then fiancee and knocking her unconscious has served at least one useful purpose.

It brought attention to the issue of domestic violence. Even with many organizations actively highlighting volumes of information and hundreds of stories of violent incidents, unfortunately it often takes a celebrated case like Rice’s to make people stand up, listen, and learn.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The fallout from the Rice incident and the subsequent criticism of how the National Football League handled the situation helped to make the public aware. And now that more people may realize that domestic violence is widespread and can and does happen to anyone without demographic or financial barriers, the next steps are to prevent it and to help those who are the victims of domestic violence.

The statistics are alarming. One-hundred-seven people were killed in domestic violence incidents in Pennsylvania last year. Thousands more were injured physically or emotionally. Many didn’t know where to turn.

There are new programs and laws to aid in the battle against domestic violence all the time.

We’ll hear what’s new and what else we should know on Monday’s Smart Talk.


Appearing on the program are Jennifer Storm, Pennsylvania’s Victim Advocate and Peg Dierkers, Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence.

If you or someone you know is struggling with domestic violence here are some ways to get help. Visit, the website for the Office of the Victim Advocate, or call 1-800-563-6399. Also visit Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence at or by calling 1-800-799-SAFE (7233).

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