tag | veterinarian
Watch Season 4 Episode 4 of All Creatures Great and Small on WITF TV
Don’t Miss Season 4 Episode 2 of All Creatures Great and Small on WITF TV
“All Creatures Great and Small” Season 2 Sundays Continue
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How can one train a dog, breed dogs, adopt, and pick the right dog for their family?
According to the American Kennel Club there are a total of 200 dog breeds; with so many options many people don’t know which breed to pick that will be the best fit for their family. After purchasing their animal owners tend to struggle with the training process.
Season finale of All Creatures Great and Small
Siegfried hosts a Christmas eve party, with an even bigger event to follow the next day.
All Creatures Great and Small
James Herriot’s adventures as a veterinarian in 1930’s Yorkshire get a glorious new adaptation in a seven-part series based on his beloved stories. Exciting newcomer Nicholas Ralph will make his television debut as the iconic vet who became renowned for his inspiring humor, compassion and love of life. The 1970s adaptation, which aired on public broadcasting, was a favorite of millions of viewers.
UPenn trains dogs to sniff out spotted lanternfly eggs
A study shows dogs can identity the egg masses with up to 95 percent accuracy.