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Will regional judicial districts better represent PA communities?

Today on Smart Talk we’re talking about judicial selection, racial bias in policing, legislative oversights and voting machines.

By Katie Meyer/WITF

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Legislative update and stories to watch

WITF’s Capitol Bureau Chief Katie Meyer hosts Smart Talk to provide an update and insight into several high-profile issues and pieces of legislation.

By Smart Talk

Domestic violence — ending the abuse

In the last decade alone, more than 1,600 people have died. Last year alone there were 123 victims in Pennsylvania who died from domestic violence incidents. Sixty-seven percent of those victims were killed by a current or former intimate partner and most were killed by firearm. There is no “typical” victim. The killed include men, women and children, young and mature, all races and socio-economic groups.

By Scott LaMar/WITF and Merideth Bucher/WITF

Legislation aims to help fire companies recoup cost

In Pennsylvania, more than 96% of registered fire departments are manned by volunteers. Managing a volunteer fire department is an exercise in doing a lot with very little funding. There is new legislation in the works that would allow volunteer fire companies to bill for the cost of their emergency response.  

By Merideth Bucher/WITF

Incoming PA Post Executive Editor Russ Walker on vision, impact and the (un)likelihood of life outside the newsroom in 2020

PA Post's Ed Mahon and Emily Previti sat down with their incoming editor during his recent visit to Central Pa.
By Emily Previti/PA Post