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Lancaster County firm introduces hemp-fed, cage-free eggs

Hemp used as feed billed as first of its kind in nation
By Scott LaMar/WITF

Wolf points to hemp industry in making the pitch for legal recreational weed in Pa.

The governor says to understand what legalization could do for the commonwealth, it’s important to look at Pennsylvania’s industrial hemp industry.

By Sam Dunklau

Pa. officials warn CBD still largely unregulated despite popularity of creams, oils, candies, and more

While proponents claim CBD derived from hemp can help ease chronic pain and anxiety, the federal government says there is little research into its benefits or potential harms
By Cynthia Fernandez/Spotlight PA

Episode 54: The headlines of 2019

As the year draws to a close, the reporters at WITF and PA Post been looking back at some of the state politics stories that have shaped it.

By Katie Meyer/WITF

Pa.’s first-time hemp growers had high hopes, but it could take years to see if the crop is worth it

Many in Pennsylvania were ready to gamble on what some advocates tout as the state’s next cash crop. 

By Rachel McDevitt/StateImpact Pennsylvania