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2 Pa. state senators promote having a primary runoff system

The proposal from GOP senators comes after Republican gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano won the nomination with less than 50 percent of the vote, then was trounced in the general election.

By Ben Wasserstein/WITF

Jenna Ellis, campaign lawyer for Donald Trump and Doug Mastriano, admits her voter fraud claims were false

She repeatedly went on TV and social media with claims that had no basis in the truth. Her home state of Colorado has censured her for this unprofessional conduct.
By Robby Brod

Doug Mastriano misses Senate vote, skips Josh Shapiro’s inauguration

“A bigger issue is he's chosen not to come in on a voting day, that he's missing votes. That's not a good trend for politics. It's not a good trend for governing."
By Robby Brod