Ivey DeJesus/PennLive
Latest by Ivey DeJesus/PennLive
Thousands gather in Harrisburg for Pa. ‘March for Life
Pa. mandated school safety protocols aim to protect students attending schools
Administrators say Pennsylvania schools practice rigorous security measures. In fact, school districts are mandated by law to put in place and carry out about a dozen requirements addressing school safety, notably concerning active shooter protocols.
Judge in the Harrisburg Catholic Diocese bankruptcy case makes it harder for church to shield assets from liability
A federal judge in a bankruptcy case involving the Roman Catholic Diocese of Harrisburg has ruled that church officials may not shield from liability such assets as $50 million in Harrisburg real estate.
A new battleground: Pa. school board races mirror national partisan clashes
These races are no longer simply the entry point for political careers.
Harrisburg Diocese bankruptcy case could collide with bill giving child sex abuse victims a chance to sue
As part of its bankruptcy settlement agreement, the Diocese of Harrisburg could stipulate that individuals who had potential claims against the diocese but did not join the bankruptcy case could be barred from suing the diocese, its insurers and parishes.
After shootings in Colorado and Georgia, gun rights proponents and gun control advocates clash in Pa.
At a forum of gun violence survivors, advocates and gun owners, Gov. Tom Wolf and Attorney General Josh Shapiro called on legislative changes to restrict gun laws and implement common sense solutions to end gun violence.
On the fence: Teachers, excited to get back in the classroom, remain concerned about coronavirus risks
With fluid guidelines in place, educators say they want to return to school but they remain concerned that a return to brick-and-mortar schools poses significant and unavoidable health risks.
Four months after the shutdown, thousands wait on unemployment compensation facing dire situations
The majority of claims filed between March 15 and June 20 have either been paid or determined eligible, but 8 percent needed to be reviewed manually — which means tens of thousands of people are waiting.