Dale Mezzacappa/Philadelphia Public School Notebook
Latest by Dale Mezzacappa/Philadelphia Public School Notebook
Emergency fund to save Philadelphia child care gives out $1.5M in grants
The application process opened April 6, and within the first weeks, it had received 418 responses. The grants range from $5,000 to $20,000, depending on a center’s size and the number of children served.
Pa. school district leaders call for moratorium on new charters until law is changed
More than 30 superintendents and other school district leaders are calling for a moratorium on new charter schools and charter seats until Harrisburg thoroughly revamps the 23-year-old charter law.
New year opens with protests, concerns about health conditions in Philadelphia schools
Lou Fantini, a social studies teacher, said safe buildings were a social justice issue and that Philadelphia students deserve safe buildings “like in the suburbs.”
Indonesian parents arrested after two decades in Philly, freed on bond after ICE detention
It has been a long ordeal for the family and for their supporters, a case that particularly angered immigrant advocates.
‘Revolutionary’ principal goes all-in on quest for more black teachers
In Pennsylvania, as of 2018, less than 3 percent of teachers are African American, and barely 1 percent are African American males.