Photo courtesy of Sight & Sound in Lancaster
Photo courtesy of Sight & Sound in Lancaster
Photo courtesy of Sight & Sound in Lancaster
Aired; February 3rd, 2025.
Few theatres in the world bring stories to like quite like Sight & Sound Theatre. Sight and Sound is known for its set, immersive storytelling, and larger than life productions. Glen Brodersen, Senior Technical Director of the Sight & Sound Theatre in Lancaster, says there are key differences between the locations in Lancaster, Pa and Branson, Mo.
“So, the Lancaster location is actually our design and build primary locations or our story team. Most of our creatives work out of the Lancaster location. And then we share some of the build with our Branson location. They have a shop as well, and they would help build parts of our shows. But when we actually premiere a brand-new production, it premieres on the Lancaster stage and runs about a year. And then we transfer that show to our Branson location, about 60 tractor trailer trucks to move a show from one location to another. And the stages are almost identical. So, when we design a show for the Lancaster stage, we design it with the Branson stage in mind as well. So, when we tear that show down and put it on the other stage, it actually fits mostly correctly all the time.”
It takes nearly 48 months for Sight & Sound to develop a new show concept to opening night.
“So, two years of that is actually sitting and figuring out all the elements of the show and how they’re going to impact the story. And then the other two years of that is actually building the physical sets and costumes and effects for a show. So about four years from when we have our first design meeting to when it actually hits the stage for the first time.”
Listen to the podcast to hear more.