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Troy Ott named dean of Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences 

  • Asia Tabb
The entry to the College of Agriculture Administration Building on Penn State's University Park Campus.

 Penn State

The entry to the College of Agriculture Administration Building on Penn State's University Park Campus.

Aired; December 17th, 2024.

A few months ago, Dr. Troy Ott became the dean of Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences. In that role, he oversees Penn State’s founding college, which includes the statewide reach of Penn State Extension and embodies the university’s status as Pennsylvania’s sole land-grant institution.

Agriculture is one of Pennsylvania’s most important economic drivers, generating more than $132 billion for the state’s economy and supporting nearly 600,000 jobs. But to remain strong and vibrant, the industry needs research to spur innovation, training to build a skilled workforce, and education to develop a new generation of leaders.

Listen to the podcast to hear how the College of Agricultural Sciences and Penn State Extension comes in.



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