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Applications for Main Street Matters funding now open

  • Asia Tabb

Aired; September 17th, 2024.

The Main Street Matters (MSM) program is designed to support local downtowns and surrounding neighborhoods with tools to create welcoming communities. This 20-million-dollar initiative will impact smaller communities like Hummelstown Borough.

Rick Siger, Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development, says this new initiative comes out of Governor Josh Shapiro’s budget for this year.

 “We created it to support Main Street, to support business districts, small businesses and local communities all across Pennsylvania. It’s about making downtowns more vibrant. It’s about thriving businesses and enabling Pennsylvania communities to achieve their full potential. As you said, in the lead in, you know, it’s a funding tool, $20 million across the state that will help Main Streets maximize what makes them great things like façade improvement, small business grant programs, things like streetscape improvements, whatever Main Street managers, borough managers like Theresa need, you know, to make their main streets great places to live, to work, to visit and to play, “said Siger.

Those eligible to apply for MSM are units of local government, Redevelopment and/or housing authorities, Nonprofit organizations, community development corporations, and Business improvement districts.

Hummelstown Borough Manager Theresa Eberly felt this program would benefit the borough.

“It’s all about the heart of our community. If our main street thrives, the residents thrive. We have a vibe, walkable community, a viable community. And this type of funding gives us just what we need to have that lift that we need to continue to invite businesses and improve our economic development. And so, our community thrives. So, we’re very excited about Main Street Matter program.

Applications for Main Street Matters funding will be accepted through November 15, 2024.




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