Fourth of July Driver Safety Tips
Airdate: Wednesday, June 26, 20024
Every Fourth of July, America celebrates the birth of our nation. But according to PennDOT data in 2023, there were 38 alcohol-related crashes from July 4 through 6:00 a.m. July 5, resulting in two fatalities, and 23 injuries. During the same time, there were 10 drug-related crashes, resulting in one fatality, and eight injuries.
Last summer, from June through August, there were 2,375 crashes involving impaired driving, resulting 116 fatalities and 1,575 Injuries.
Lieutenant Adam Reed with the Pennsylvania State Police and PennDOT’s Safety Press Officer Fritzi Schreffler are urging drivers to not drive under the influence or impaired ahead of celebrations.
“Traditionally, the fourth of July is one of the holidays where we see the largest number of impaired drivers on the roads. And our troopers make the highest number of DUI arrests,” said Lt. Adam Reed.
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