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Shippensburg University Gender Neutral Closet

  • Asia Tabb

Airdate: Thursday, June 27, 2024

Fashion is a way for people to express themselves. For years, clothing was built for men and women. But now, fashion is becoming more inclusive to all who don’t want to limit their identity to men and women.

The Pride & Gender Equity (PAGE) Center of Shippensburg University offers a focal point for all university community members who support the wellbeing of gender-based violence survivors, LGBTQ+ students, women, LGBTQ+ men, and agender students.

The PAGE Center now has a gender-neutral closet accessible for students. Miller Hoffman is the Director of the PAGE Center and was with us on The Spark to tell us more about the gender-neutral closet.

“Clothing is a really enormous part of expression for some many of us. So, we’re sort of thinking about gender expression, but it’s huge and it’s enduring, and it has crossed, time, and history, and location.”

The PAGE Center is located in CUB 232 weekdays from 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Hoffman says the response of the all gender neutral closet has been positive.

“I have found that students are very regularly using the resources that are there. It is well used… And so we’re noticing growth and more folks coming and taking advantage of those. And we just continue to help that that moves forward and continues to grow.”

More of the conversation surrounding the PAGE Center could be heard on the podcast link listed above.

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