Health Secretary Rachel Levine said in early June her department is "working to update and rewrite our regulations to ensure that they protect the residents of today and tomorrow."
Commonwealth Media Services
Health Secretary Rachel Levine said in early June her department is "working to update and rewrite our regulations to ensure that they protect the residents of today and tomorrow."
Commonwealth Media Services
Commonwealth Media Services
Health Secretary Rachel Levine said in early June her department is "working to update and rewrite our regulations to ensure that they protect the residents of today and tomorrow."
Up until two weeks ago, the number of COVID-19 cases in Pennsylvania was falling. Since then, the entire state has transitioned to Governor Tom Wolf’s least restrictive green level of coronavirus mitigations efforts meaning bars and restaurants were open, with some restrictions, and many places of business re-opened too.
However, the number of COVID-19 cases is on the rise in Pennsylvania. There were 636 new cases reported Wednesday morning.
But that number pales in comparison to states like Florida, Arizona, Texas and California where the number of cases has increased by the thousands each day.
Pennsylvania Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine, MD, is on Thursday’s Smart Talk to describe efforts to keep Pennsylvania’s cases from increasing like those states.
Also, Pennsylvania relaxed its fireworks laws three years ago and now fireworks have become commonplace throughout the state. Many are complaining about it.
Democratic State Senator Judy Schwank wants to repeal the 2017 fireworks laws and Chief Jay Delaney, City of Wilkes-Barre – Bureau of Fire and President of the Pennsylvania Career Fire Chiefs Association agrees with that initiative. They both join us on Thursday’s Smart Talk.