'Poppy' by Cayden Howell (acrylic on paper)
'Poppy' by Cayden Howell (acrylic on paper)
'Poppy' by Cayden Howell (acrylic on paper)
Explore the free art exhibit at WITF’s Public Media Center in Harrisburg. On display during regular business hours, through October: the artwork of The Arc of Dauphin County.
Our Art Our Voice Art Show
About The Arc of Dauphin County
The Arc is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 1953 by a small group of parents wanting a better life for their loved ones with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The Arc cooperates with other government and private agencies and organizations to provide services to people of all ages with disabilities, particularly intellectual disabilities and developmental disabilities in Dauphin County and nearby localities.
The Arc of Dauphin County’s mission is to quality of life and community integration for individuals with special needs.
Core Value
The Arc’s core values are people first, equality, community, and diversity. When we speak of “people first” we are defining a person by his or her own attributes, not the fact that they have a disability.
What sort of positive impact does this opportunity provide for the artists and community?
The Our Art Our Voice Art show provides a venue for those with disabilities to showcase their talents, break down preconceived ideas about persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities and a platform for some whose artistic expression may be their only form of communicating emotion and feelings. The community is enriched when full inclusion exists and the rights of all citizens to lead a fulfilling life as contributing members to the community is realized. Beyond mere inclusion, this begets belonging.
Age range of the artists?
The artwork on display represents original works of art from persons, young adult – older adults, with intellectual and developmental disabilities throughout the local community, beyond those served by The Arc of Dauphin County.
What kinds of artwork will be included in the exhibit?
The artwork includes: Acrylic, water colors, color pencil, ink rendering, digital photography, and mixed mediums.
The Artist’s reception will be held from 5-7pm on Wednesday, October 16. This is a free event but RSVP is required for planning purposes.
iPhone and iPad users: click here to RSVP.